The Appalachian Gurus

Moon Visits

8hz Episode 7

Hello Moon!!!
You shine so bright,
You influence the tide, 
What a magnificent site!

The Moon is all about reflection as it reflects the sun's light. Following the moon and learning from how to harness its energy can assist us in our understanding of our life patterns, dreams, goals, and our relationships.

It is a great tool to work with especially that it is linked to our circadian rhythm that helps us regulate harmony and balance in our life. It also affects the vessel of the human body since our bodies are composed of 75%+ water which mimics the ebb and flow of the shifting tides.

The Moon is magick, it connects us with the world of mysticism, our intuition, shadow work and dreams as well as an opportunity to explore the realms of our subconscious.

This Episode includes a short breath work, a lymph node activation practice and a Moon fix ritual.

June 3.24 the Sky witnessed a planet parade in which the planets appear to line up and march across the dark sky like a parade. The six planets are: Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn.  The alignment occurs because each planet orbits around the sun at different speed. Those planets roughly orbit the same plane that is called the ecliptic plane.

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The Moon Fix, Theresa Cheung

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