The Appalachian Gurus

Interview with Dr. Joanna Corby specialist in Natural Holistic Healing and Pranic Energy Work

8hz Episode 10

Joanna Faith Corby, Ph.D. serves as a Life Coach specializing in Natural Health, a Pranic Energy Healer, and a Speaker & Event Facilitator to live groups and online. She brings rigorous scientific training, a deep personal journey in Natural Health, and a passion for all things Healing to her life's work. She is deeply passionate about celebrating our life force and transmuting pain into empowerment!

One's Health is part of a much deeper unfolding of who we are, and her own Health Path has led her from pain and debilitation to teaching, sharing, and fully embracing the herbs, foods, and practices that enable vibrancy and good health! For each of us, our Health Path is an invitation to Dance with the Divine. Through it, we can reclaim the divinity within us, reconnect with our life force, and honor and cultivate that life force through all of our practices -- the Foods we Eat, the Herbs we work with, the Thoughts we carry, and our physical practices. 

Dr. Joanna's clients have transformed their lives and the health of their whole families, while discovering great joy and newfound passions for learning about the body, implementing better health practices, and ultimately recovering their health naturally. Dr. Joanna empowers clients to step into active engagement with their health, rising out of victimhood and into responsibility, out of disconnection and into rediscovery, and ultimately into empowerment!

Much of her work is done within the Earth to Spirit Ministry, a non-profit ministry serving to empower whole health of body, mind, and spirit. 


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